Free Indoor Plant Swap
September 21 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Come swap your indoor plants for free with fellow plant lovers!
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21. Bring a healthy, pest-free plant (or two or three) you want to trade. They can be potted or bare root.
This is a casual plant swap (leave a plant, take a plant) so only bring what you are willing to part with.
This is a casual plant swap (leave a plant, take a plant) so only bring what you are willing to part with.
This drop-in event will be outside the shop and very informal. One of our team members will be outside to greet and mingle and, of course, talk about the plants!
Tables will be set up with space to display and label your plants. We encourage folks to embrace the spirit of the trade and leave any sentimental or prized plants at home for this one.
This is an opportunity to come out, meet some plant-y people, and find a fun new plant to take home! We can’t wait to see you there.