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Dine Around 2025 – Gala Launch

January 23 @ 5:00 pm8:00 pm

Clear your calendars – we’re kicking off Dine Around and Stay in Town Victoria with the Dine Around Gala on January 23rd, 2025!

Hosted at the beautiful Crystal Garden, the Gala will feature mouthwatering bites and sips from over 50 local restaurants and beverage purveyors with lively entertainment, socializing and fun!

Gala vendors will put their best food-forward to impress and delight guests, while building excitement for the endless dining experiences that await during the 17-day Dine Around program running from January 24th – February 9th, 2025.

It’ll be a night to remember – get your tickets today! Business casual or dress to impress.

Please note that there will be extensive media coverage of the Gala, and with your presence at the event, you may be filmed or photographed.